DHI Hair TransplantNo Comments
Last Updated:
August 2, 2024
Written By:
James Wilson

The DHI Hair Transplant, which stands for Direct Hair Implantation, has redefined the paradigm of hair restoration procedures.

It has been breaking the Mold for some years now, and it will continue to gain popularity.

Hoever it’s not always clear what it really means, how it works, or what its benefits are, right?

In this blog, I will clarify all of that.

But before we dive in, let me quickly introduce myself in case you’re not familiar with me or my work.

Hi, I am James.

I have been an expert in hair restoration since early 2012 and have guided thousands of individuals from all over the globe in their hair restoration journey.

Our goal as a clinic and my personal goal as an expert is to empower you to make good decisions by educating you on all relevant topics related to hair restoration treatments.

How do we do this?

We offer transparency and share our knowledge in an easy-to-understand way, allowing you to do your due diligence.

Whether you decide to perform a hair transplant at our clinic, another clinic in Turkey, or a clinic in your country is of secondary importance.

Everyone deserves the correct information to make informed decisions, especially if they are Medical or aesthetic.

Your decision will impact you for the rest of your life.

I understand this from firsthand experience dealing with patients and my own experience.

Yes, I also had a hair Transplant, so I know firsthand how important the decision is.

This guide provides you with all you need to know about the latest technology in hair restoration, the DHI Hair Transplant method, to decide if it would be a good choice for you.

What can you expect from this guide?

I will share my expert knowledge and insights on the DHI Hair Transplant method in this guide.

I will cover the basics of the method and how it works.

With all of our content prepared for you, we aim to provide unique content you won’t be able to find elsewhere.

Here’s the interesting part.

I include real-life examples from personal experience working in our Hair Transplant Clinic and dealing with patients where possible.

So come back a few times if you have to, but please thoroughly review it. It’s for your good.

Grab a coffee, tea, or whatever you like, and let’s dive in, shall we?

What is a DHI Hair Transplant?

Let’s start with the basics.

What is a DHI hair Transplant?

A DHI Hair Transplant is one of the available Hair Transplant Methods if you are considering Hair Transplant Surgery.

The other most popular Hair Transplant Method is FUE technique.

I have dedicated a separate blog to it if you want to know more about it.

To learn more about the method, visit our FUE Hair Transplant: Costs, Procedure, & Benefits Explained blog.

You will also find information about the FUT Method(Follicular Unit Transplantation) on the FUE Hair Transplant page, which I have compared to the FUE Method(Follicular Unit Extraction).

I don’t favor traditional methods such as the FUT Method(strip of skin extraction), which I have explained in more detail while comparing FUT vs. FUE procedure.

Go through it yourself and consider whether it is a good option.

Let’s return to the DHI hair transplantation method.

How does it work?

How Does the DHI Hair Transplant Method Work?

I will not dive into the fundamentals of hair restoration here.

If you want to know more about the basics, you can visit our Ultimate Expert Guide to a Hair Transplant, where I have explained all the basics and frequently asked basic questions.

My aim for all of our content is to make it as unique as possible.

It would be best if you didn’t feel like you were reading the same thing on different pages.

Therefore, I refer you to other pages where the topic was better covered.

I don’t want to write the same or similar content again.

Let me explain.

I like to consume content this way; I wouldn’t say I like to read the same thing repeatedly at any site, so that is how I organized our website and content structure.

So go to our Hair Transplant page if you still need the basics of hair restoration or are just curious how we have approached the basics.

This page discusses in greater depth hair implants, different hair transplantation techniques, and the hair transplant process in general.

As with any hair restoration procedure, the first thing is the initial consultation, where you share your wishes, number of grafts, and treatment options with the Hair Transplant Surgeon.

You’re good to go once you have agreed on a treatment plan and the new hairline design is drawn.

So, what are the stages of the actual DHI hair Transplant?

Step 1 of a DHI Hair Transplant: Extraction of Grafts

The first step of the DHI procedure is the same as the FUE method, which involves the extraction of grafts(individual hair follicles) from the donor area.

During this phase, healthy hair follicles are extracted from your donor site under local anesthesia and stored in a liquid to maintain vitality while out of the body.

Your donor hair comes from the back of the head.

At our FUE Hair Transplant Guide, I have focussed in great depth on the dynamics of good extraction.

Here’s something to consider.

So, if you want to dive deep and understand hair restoration, my advice would be the following:

Visit our Hair Transplant Guide, our FUE Hair Transplant Surgery Guide(Sapphire FUE), and ultimately, this guide you are on now.

If you are new to hair restoration techniques or want to be educated from my perspective, you will start with a perfect foundation and build up from there.

The choice is yours.

I am giving some additional guidance here.

So that’s the first stage, which involves extraction. What’s next?

Step 2 of a DHI Hair Transplant: Implantation of Grafts

If you have some knowledge of how hair transplants work, you might wonder about the channel opening.

That’s a good question, and this is where the differentiating aspect of the Methods comes into play.

This might surprise you.

This method does not require channel opening.


Well, that’s all possible thanks to a unique pen like tool called Choi.

Next, we will provide more detailed information about the Choi pen (Choi Implanter Pen).

What happens next?

Once the grafts have been extracted, they are placed individually in the tip of the Choi implanter and then implanted directly in the recipient sites without having to open channels or slits first.

This explains why the method is called Direct Hair Implantation, meaning the extracted grafts are implanted directly at the recipient area without opening channels first

That’s how the DHI hair transplantation process method works in a nutshell.

You could also view DHI hair restoration as an implantation procedure, where the implantation process defines its essential characteristics.

I mentioned that I would also discuss the Choi Implanter.

Let’s touch on that briefly.

Graft Implantation with Choi Implanter during DHI Hair Transplant @Tecnifue International

What is a Choi implanter in DHI Hair Transplant, and how does it work?

The above title gives you a good hint about Choi.

It’s an specialized tool for implanting hair grafts directly in the recipient zone during a DHI hair transplant Procedure.

The tool looks like a small pen with a hollow needle on the tip and a press button on the top.

The implanter tip is hollow, allowing the graft to be placed.

The tip is very sharp and can easily penetrate the scalp.

Once the graft is placed in the tip, the tip is inserted into the scalp.

From a technical perspective, this action resembles the channel opening.

Imagine this.

A tiny, thin rod is inside the choi tip above its hollow point.

This rod is attached to a coil spring connected to the top button of the choi implanter.

Once this button is pressed, it will push anything in the implanter’s tip outside.

That’s precisely what happens with the harvested hair follicles.

Once the tip is inserted in the scalp, the graft is implanted by pressing the button on the Choi implanter, so the graft is released from the tip and remains in the scalp.

It’s basically an implantation technique.

Wow, I felt like I was going through a VHS Instruction Manual from the 1980s myself.

It’s good we have YouTube nowadays.

Just grab a pen and press the top a couple of times; next, open the pen and see how the mechanism works.

It’s very similar to the structure of the work.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the workings of this pen were the cause of the Eureka moment leading to the Choi Implanter Innovation.

I think you should have a pretty good idea of a DHI surgery and how it works.

 If you still have any questions, reach out to us.

One of our medical consultants is always happy to explain things in more depth so you understand.

What’s next?

Next, we’ll uncover what an Unshaven DHI Hair Transplant means.

Unshaven DHI Transplant Explained

Let’s start with the basics.

DHI Non-Shave Hair Transplant is not a new or different method.

It is still the DHI method.

There is some confusion on this matter since we still have patients who inquire about the DHI method and think that the unshaven refers to a different process.

It’s not.

But what is it, and how should you view this?

Let me explain since DHI Hair Transplants are quite a hot topic.

Many patients are freaked out by the idea that they must shave their hair for a Hair Transplant procedure.

This is quite understandable.

I didn’t shave my head either, for instance, for my hair transplant procedure.

So how does it work?

You should know that the sides and back, so the donor area, will always need to be shaved.

Extraction without shaving the donor area is impossible with the FUE Extraction Protocol.

On the other hand, the top can stay long, which means that Hair Transplant surgery can be performed without shaving the entire head.

The shaving aspect is one of the main differences between the FUE hair transplant procedure and DHI hair transplant technique.

And before you ask, it won’t negatively impact the results.

With specific hair loss profiles, when comparing FUE vs. DHI, keeping the top hair long with the DHI Hair Transplant Surgery is even better.

Imagine the following.

Let’s assume your hair is thinning over a larger area on the top.

This could mean some hairs are weakening, but some are still healthy.

If the head is shaved entirely, the following situation will likely occur.

It will be tough to see with the eye which follicle has weakened and which hair follicle is still healthy.

So, while implanting the hair grafts, there is a high risk of implanting the graft at a location where there is still lots of healthy hair.

Let’s unpack this.

In other words, it becomes difficult to see which follicles are still healthy or weak once the hair is short.

This could result in placing grafts at the wrong location, negatively impacting the result.

On the other hand, when the hair is long, it’s self-evident which thinning zones require treatment; in other words, the medical team can craft a more accurate graft allocation plan.

Benefits of DHI Hair Transplant

One significant benefit of the Choi Implanter is that it allows direct graft placement between existing hair.

In this context, it is a precision tool.

Whether a Non-Shave or Full-Shave Should be considered depends on the patient’s wishes and hair-thinning profile.

Let me explain.

The DHI Method is the best-suited method for hair transplant surgeries where the patients don’t want to shave their heads.

The non-shave option is clearly one of the main advantages of DHI.

If you are considering a hair transplant procedure and would like to know if a Non-Shave DHI Hair Transplant is possible in your case, contact us.

We will assess your situation and let you know your options.

The web is full of outdated information and biased content, so sharing what I know as an expert in hair restoration is also an ethical responsibility.

 Ultimately, you will decide what to do with it, but at least I did my part.

That’s how I view it.

Next, let’s look at the costs associated with a DHI Hair Transplant.

DHI hair Transplant Cost and Prices 2024

The DHI Hair Transplant Costs will depend significantly on where you live and the method’s availability.

Let me explain in more detail, starting with availability.

The DHI Hair Transplant method is a Novel method, and its availability will depend on where you live.

For instance, if you live in the United States or Canada, you will likely have to search intensively to find Hair Restoration Clinics that offer this technology.

The two main available hair restoration methods are the FUT and the FUE methods.

And if you encounter any expert, prepare yourself to pay a hefty sum since demand and supply won’t be in your favor here.

The average price for a single hair surgery in the States is USD 12,000, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you would have to pay a 25% premium on this price for a DHI Hair Transplant in the United States.

So don’t be shocked if you get an offer of $15.000 for a DHI Hair Transplant Surgery.

What about the situation in Europe?

This method is more available there than in the United States.

However, the FUE Hair Transplant method is the leading method on this continent, making it also difficult to find here.

The prices in Europe for a DHI Hair Transplant range from $6,000 to USD 10.000.

Turkey is the leading country in the availability of the DHI Hair Transplant Method.

Prices are much lower.

I have dedicated a separate section to everything you need to know about a hair transplant in Turkey, in which I also discuss the price of a DHI Hair transplant in Turkey.

You can check our Hair Transplant Turkey Blog for detailed information on the cost of a DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey.

It’s significantly less than in the countries mentioned above.

I am sure you also have other questions related to the DHI method.

There is one question we answer daily.

As an expert in my field, I am often asked this question by our patients who are weighing their options.

These questions involve the DHI vs FUE Hair transplant method, and not surprisingly, which method is better?

Here’s the thing.

If I had to give you a quick answer, it depends.

But it’s more complicated.

The question is understandable but likely not the easiest to answer.

Both methods have advantages and high success rates.

Both methods offer natural results

It’s essential to weigh these advantages against each other.

Based on your situation and preferences, you can better discuss which might be the best treatment for you.

Since this is a critical topic, I have prepared a separate Guide titled DHI vs. FUE Hair Transplant: Complete Expert Guide.

It’s a must-read if you need help deciding on your hair transplant method.

What’s next in this extensive guide?

Next, before I sum up, I have shared a few direct hair transplantation reviews and some DHI before-and-after results.

This will give you an idea of the experience of a DHI hair transplant and how the results look.

DHI Hair Transplant Reviews

I personally love watching genuine video reviews, so I’ve handpicked a few for you, including one of my own. Enjoy watching!

DHI Hair Transplant Before and After

I’ve picked out some before and after results from our DHI Hair Transplant procedures at our clinic Tecnifue International.

I can personally vouch for their authenticity, so I wanted to share them with you.

DHI Hair Transplant Before and After Result of Saun @Tecnifue International
DHI Hair Transplant Before and After Result of James @Tecnifue International
DHI Hair Transplant Before and After Result of Kevin @Tecnifue International

Summing Up

There you go.

I’ve now shared all the essentials you need to know about the DHI technique.

If you’re familiar with my work, you know how much I emphasize the importance of thorough research.

Making a well-informed decision is crucial; you can only do that with the correct information.

As a professional within a Medical Group , I aim to simplify complex terms and methods so that you feel empowered when making decisions.

Remember, a hair transplant is a big decision.

Please don’t rush into it.

Take your time to do your research and make sure you’re entirely comfortable with your decision before moving forward.

A good hair transplant clinic will support you in this process.

Informing patients thoroughly about all dynamics involved in hair restoration is an ethical responsibility of a hair transplant specialist if you ask me.

Get Your Free Consultation

Are you considering a Hair Transplant?

If you’re dealing with hair loss and looking for a lasting solution, a hair transplant could be just what you need.

Since 2012, we’ve been guiding and assisting patients worldwide on their hair restoration journeys.

Interested in how we can help you?

Just reach out and let one of our Medical Consultants guide you through your DHI Hair Transplant journey.

DHI Hair Transplant FAQ

Curious About Common Patient Questions?

If you’re wondering about the kinds of questions we hear from patients, you’re in the right place!

I’ve gathered a mix of the most frequent and some of the more unique questions that come up during our consultations.

Ready to dive in?

Let’s get started!

When can I expect hair growth after a DHI Hair Transplant?

Hair Growth after a DHI will start after three months for the transplanted hair.

The existing hair will grow at its regular paste.

How long does DHI take to heal?

The critical recovery time takes 7 – 10 days for scabs to fall off and for grafts to be secured.

These initial days are the most essential days of the healing process.

The less critical recovery process and further recovery period can last a few weeks.

Does DHI look natural?

A DHI Hair Transplant does offer natural-looking results.

However, both the DHI and FUE methods provide the best results.

Is a DHI Hair Transplant suitable for all hair types?

A DHI Hair Transplant suits most but not all hair types.

Certain afro hair types are not ideal for a DHI hair transplant.

Furthermore, persons with fragile and delicate hair might not be suitable for a DhI hair transplant.

What hair density can I expect with a DHI hair Transplant?

The hair density of a DHI hair transplant is an average of 60-65 hair follicles per cm2.

The number of follicles can vary depending on the patient’s graft thickness.

How does the implant of hair work with a DHI Hair Transplant?

The implantation of hair follicles with a DHI Hair Transplant is done using a Choi implanter pen.

This specialized device characterizes the method and its uniqueness

What is the survival rate for DHI grafts?

The survival rate of grafts with a DHI Hair Transplant can be as high as 99%.

The expertise of the medical team involved and the patient’s graft quality are the main determinants of the DHI Hair Transplant graft survival rate.

When can I expect the final result of a DHI Hair Transplant?

It can take up to a year to see the final result of a DHI Hair Transplant.

Mind that grafts implanted at the crown region might need up to 18 months for total growth

Is a DHI Hair Transplant done under local or general anesthesia?

A DHI hair transplant is generally performed under local anaesthesia.

Some clinics offer sedation to patients with needle phobias or very low pain tolerance levels.

Which blood tests are performed before a DHI Hair Hair Transplant?

Blood tests include a complete blood count(CBC) and STD(sexually transmitted diseases).

The hair transplant clinic might do additional blood tests depending on your personal medication condition.

What is the operation time of a DHI Hair Transplant?

A DHI Hair Transplant will last approximately 6-8 hours.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number of grafts to be implanted and personal needs for additional patient breaks.

Is there any difference between DHI and FUE grafts?

There is no difference at all between FUE and DHI grafts.

The grafts are extracted the same way and from the same extraction site, so technically, it’s impossible to discern any difference.

Can we do a beard transplant using the DHI Hair Transplant Method?

Doing a beard transplant using the DHI hair transplant method is possible.

The same procedure applies to a scalp transplant as to facial transplants.

What are the risks of complications during a DHI Hair Transplant?

The risk of complications during a DHI hair transplant includes excessive bleeding, infections, and Anaphylaxis during anesthesia.

Health checks of possible underlying medical conditions and having hair restoration performed at a reputable clinic will minimize such risks.

How many grafts can you do with DHI?

The number of grafts that can be implanted during a single session of DHI hair transplant is 5,000 grafts.

In some cases, more grafts could be implanted if the right conditions are met, but 5,000 is a generally safe upper limit.

What are the disadvantages of DHI?

DHI is generally a bit more costly.

Furthermore, it’s not suited for all hair types.

For a more detailed comparison of FUE vs DHI, you can visit our extensive blog: DHI vs. FUE Hair Transplant: Complete Expert Guide.

Can a DHI hair transplant fail?

As with any other hair transplant method, a DHI hair transplant can fail.

The main reasons for failure are generally related to the expertise of the Medical team involved and incorrect aftercare follow-up protocol.

Why is DHI more expensive?

The tools used during a DHI hair restoration treatment are more expensive, which impacts the price of the treatment.

There are also fewer medical specialists who perform DHI procedures.

The growing popularity of the method and relatively fewer available experts have resulted in DHI experts being more expensive to recruit.

Do you have to shave your head for DHI?

DHI requires partial shaving in the donor area, while the top of the head does not.

Does DHI damage existing hair?

If performed correctly by experienced professionals, a DHI Hair Transplant does not damage the existing hair.

However, the risk for existing graft damage is higher with hair zones that still have a decent density, so extra caution is needed for such zones.

Does hair grow back after DHI?

Yes, the hair grows back after a DHI procedure.

Yet, it is crucial to understand that new hairs will not grow back immediately after the procedure.

To learn more about hair regrowth after a DHI Hair transplant, visit our blog: Detailed DHI Hair Transplant Results Month by Month Overview.

Does the donor area grow back after DHI?

The remaining hairs in the donor area grow back after DHI.

The extracted hair, however, does not grow back; it has been relocated permanently to the recipient site.

Who is a good candidate for a DHI hair transplant?

You are a good candidate for a DHI hair transplant if you are suffering from permanent hair loss and don’t have any underlying health conditions that could form potential risks to performing the surgery.

Furthermore, it is also essential that you have a healthy donor site with sufficient donor grafts and that your recipient size is manageable.

Does a DHI transplant hurt?

The stage of administering local anesthesia during a Dhi hair transplant can be a bit painful.

This will last only a few minutes.

Generally speaking, you won’t feel pain during the remainder of the surgery.

Does hair fall out after a DHI hair transplant?

Yes, the transplanted hair will fall out in the first months after the surgery.

Regrowth of the transplanted hair can be expected three months after surgery.

How successful is DHI?

The success rate of a DHI procedure can be as high as 99.9%.

It’s critical to understand that the method is always successful in principle.

Other dynamics, such as the experience of the medical team and the individual circumstances of the patient, could negatively impact the success of a DHI hair transplant.

Does DHI heal faster?

DHI heals slightly faster at the recipient zone since there is less tissue damage because of the no need for slit/channel opening.

The healing at the donor area is the same for both FUE and DHI.

Is DHI worth it?

DHI is worth it if you are considering a hair restoration procedure and suffer from permanent hair loss.
Many patients opt for a DHI hair transplant to tackle their hair loss problems and are happy with their choice.

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James Wilson

James co-founded Tecnifue International and has guided thousands of patients personally since 2012 in their hair transplant journey. He is a trusted voice in Turkey's hair restoration scene and your go-to source for the best insights.

How we reviewed this article:

*Direct Hair Transplantation: A Modified Follicular Unit Extraction Technique
Published on 2013 Apr-Jun by Pradeep Sethi and Arika Bansal

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Written By

James Wilson

July 9, 2024 at 10:01 am

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James Wilson

July 6, 2024 at 01:32 pm

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James Wilson

July 4, 2024 at 01:19 pm

Edited By

James Wilson

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