DHI Hair TransplantNo Comments
Last Updated:
July 24, 2024
Written By:
James Wilson

If you are thinking about a DHI hair transplant, or have you already had one, you’re probably curious about the DHI hair transplant recovery time.

In this blog, I’ll answer all the key DHI hair transplant recovery questions.

The first ten days are crucial for recovery, and that’s what we’ll dive into.

I’ll share real patient experiences to give you a clear picture.

You’ll know everything about DHI hair transplant recovery time by the end.

But first, a quick introduction.

I’m James, Co-founder of one of Turkey’s premium hair restoration clinics.

Since 2012, I’ve guided thousands of patients on their hair restoration journeys.

So, I know a thing or two about this.

Now, let’s return to our topic: the recovery time for the DHI method.

We’ll start with the actual surgery recovery time for DHI.

Let’s get started!

What is the DHI Hair Transplant Recovery Time?

The essential recovery time for a DHI hair transplant is about 8–10 days.

Like other hair restoration surgeries, recovery time is a major concern for many patients.

I’ll cover the most crucial parts of the recovery process and focus on hair growth in another Blog.

Let’s start with what happens the first night after surgery.

First Night of DHI Hair Transplant Recovery Time

After your DHI hair transplant, you should get a debriefing on how the procedure went and instructions for aftercare.

At our clinic, we always debrief our patients thoroughly.

We explain what to expect and what to do in the coming days.

We provide this information face-to-face, in written form, and through simple instructional videos.

We like to be thorough, and our patients appreciate the personal touch.

On your first night, you might feel some light burning on your scalp and in the donor area.

A painkiller will help.

You’ll need to sleep on your back for ten days to avoid disturbing the transplanted grafts.

The grafts aren’t secured yet, so avoid direct contact with your head.

Contrary to some beliefs, you don’t need to sleep seated.

Just make sure your head doesn’t touch the pillow.

This is especially crucial if you’ve received grafts on your crown.

If you’re used to sleeping on your stomach or side, the first few nights might be challenging.

But by the second or third night, you’ll get used to it and sleep better.

After ten days, you’ll sleep more comfortably and appreciate your sleep more than ever.

We joke that this is a big bonus, but our patients don’t always appreciate it after a tough first night.

So, you’ve survived the first night.

What’s next?

First day of DHI Hair Transplant Recovery Time @ Tecnifue International

Day 2 to 5 of DHI Hair Transplant Recovery Time

Days 2 to 5 after a DHI hair transplant are still critical.

You might feel some burning and discomfort, but painkillers can help.

You’ll be fully functional during this time.

Most of our patients fly back home the day after their transplant or choose to stay a few days and explore Istanbul.

This shows how quickly you can get back to normal activities.

Many of our patients come from the USA, which is a long flight, not just a short hop to Amsterdam.

So, what else can you expect?

You might notice some swelling in your face for 3-4 days.

We provide a black band to wear around your forehead.

This band applies pressure to keep the swelling at the top of your head.

If the swelling does move to your face, you might look like you’ve had a bar fight with Conor McGregor.

So, I recommend wearing the band for four days.

Your scalp might start to itch around the second or third day, which is a normal sign of healing.

Keep an eye out for any dark spots or color changes that differ from your skin tone.

These could indicate blood flow problems or, in rare cases, the start of scalp necrosis, which is a severe issue.

Fortunately, we’ve never seen a case of necrosis with the DHI method we use.

By day 5, you can remove the black band.

You’ll notice the scabs on your scalp becoming harder and darker.

This is a normal part of the recovery process.

Day 6 to 9 of the DHI Hair Transplant Recovery Time

James Sharing his 5th day DHI Hair Transplant progress @ Tecnifue International.

By now, you should be washing your head daily and starting to use foam before the fifth wash.

This foam helps hydrate the skin and soften the scabs in preparation for the final wash, where you’ll remove all the scabs.

These days are much more comfortable than the first few.

Knowing the final wash is coming up can also be a psychological boost.

Your scalp might feel dry and tight, which is normal.

Just get through these days while being careful not to bump your head and following all other instructions.

Next, let’s talk about the final wash.

8th of DHI Hair Transplant Recovery Time @ Tecnifue International

Final Wash of the DHI Hair Transplant Recovery Time

James Sharing his 9th day DHI Hair Transplant progress @ Tecnifue International.

The big moment has arrived—you can finally get rid of the scabs.

Depending on your healing process, this can be on the 8th, 9th, or 10th wash.

We strongly advise our patients to remove the scabs by the 10th wash at the latest.

It’s a significant step, and it’s normal to feel cautious.

Don’t worry if you don’t get all the scabs off on the first try.

Just keep gently rubbing, and they will come off.

Once you’ve removed all the scabs, pat yourself on the shoulder.

You’ve made it through the most critical recovery period of the DHI hair transplant.

You’ll still have some aftercare instructions, like avoiding exercise and swimming, but the grafts are secure.

More importantly, they’ve survived.

This is a huge relief, and even as an expert, I felt the necessary anxiety during the first ten days after my hair transplant.

For the record, I washed my scabs off on the 8th wash—one of the brave ones, with approval from our Medical Director and my insights into how my scalp was healing.

Once all the scabs are removed, you’ll feel a great relief.

It’s like your scalp is breathing again and thanking you for removing the scabs.

After this, you can celebrate and wait for the magic to happen as your hair grows.

This process requires patience.

The good news is that DHI hair transplants tend to provide faster results compared to other methods.

I’ll delve into this more in another Blog when I compare the DHI method with other techniques.

Ten days of DHI Hair Transplant Recovery Time @ Tecnifue International

Quick Review: DHI Hair Transplant Recovery Time

If you’re thinking about a DHI hair transplant or have already had one, you’re likely curious about the DHI hair transplant recovery time.

This blog covers everything you need to know.

The first ten days are crucial for recovery.

Day 1:

After the procedure, you’ll get a detailed debriefing and aftercare instructions.

Expect light burning on your scalp and donor area.

Painkillers will help. Sleep on your back for ten days to avoid disturbing the transplanted grafts.

Days 2-5:

You might feel some burning and discomfort, but you’ll be fully functional.

Some patients fly back home or explore Istanbul during this time.

Expect facial swelling for 3-4 days, and use a black band around your forehead to manage it.

Itching is normal as it signals healing.

Days 6-9:

Continue daily washing and start using foam to hydrate the skin and soften scabs.

These days are more comfortable, and the anticipation of the final wash provides a psychological boost.

Final Wash (Day 8-10):

Remove all scabs by the 10th wash.

This is a significant step, and you’ll feel relief once you’ve completed it.

Avoid exercise and swimming, but the grafts are secure and ready to grow.

DHI hair transplants often provide faster results compared to other methods, which will be detailed in another blog.

Final Word

If you’re thinking about getting a hair transplant, feel free to contact us.

At Tecnifue International, we’ve been a part of Turkey’s hair restoration sector since 2012, guiding thousands of individuals worldwide on their hair restoration journeys.

In case you didn’t know, Istanbul is a global hub for hair restoration procedures, and our clinic has welcomed patients from over 28 countries.

If you’re considering a hair transplant, I recommend reading these must-reads:

Feel free to reach out for a hair transplant consultation.

Our consultations are currently free of charge.

Once you contact us, one of our Medical Consultants will get in touch to guide you through the process.

You’ll learn about your hair transplant options in detail and can ask any questions during live chats.

For our international patients, we also offer phone and video call consultations.

How long does it take for the donor area to heal after DHI?

The donor area heals from scabs in 10 days post-surgery.

Complete under-skin tissue healing takes up to 8 months.

What is the downtime for a DHI hair transplant?

The downtime is 8-10 days due to the scabs, which are typically washed off within this period.

How long is recovery after DHI?

The critical recovery period is 8-10 days.

For optimal healing, follow important instructions for the first month.

When are grafts secure after DHI?

Grafts are generally secure 6-7 days post-surgery.

It’s safest to consider them secure once the scabs are washed off.

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James Wilson

James co-founded Tecnifue International and has guided thousands of patients personally since 2012 in their hair transplant journey. He is a trusted voice in Turkey's hair restoration scene and your go-to source for the best insights.

How we reviewed this article:

American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Hair Transplantation and Restoration Recovery

Current Version

Written By

James Wilson

July 24, 2024 at 09:03 am

Edited By

James Wilson

July 22, 2024 at 01:52 pm

Edited By

James Wilson

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