Hair TransplantNo Comments
Last Updated:
August 27, 2024
Written By:
James Wilson

If you are considering a hair transplant or have had one already, the long-term results are some of the common topics you might be wondering about.

Many of our hair transplant patients ask us what they can expect from their hair transplant ten years after surgery.

Within this blog, I will answer this critical hair transplant-related topic.

I’ll share the results of three of our patients whose hair transplant results have not changed.

You will understand whether you need a second hair transplant after ten years.

I will also discuss the importance of understanding the difference between transplanted and original hair.

Finally, I will also touch on an essential topic that has been under-reported: why hair care matters.

Before we get started, here’s some quick info about me.

My name is James, and I co-founded Tecnifue International Hair Clinic in Istanbul, Turkey.

We’ve been serving patients from over 28 countries since 2012 at our clinic in Istanbul.

I deal with patients daily and answer any hair transplant or hair loss-related questions they may have.

I aim to share this knowledge and inform anyone interested in hair restoration with the correct content.

It’s much needed and will also serve the global hair restoration industry in the long term.

Let’s continue with our topic and see what a hair transplant results look like after 10 years.

Hair Transplant After 10 Years

How does a hair transplant look after 10 years?

So, the most critical question on your mind is probably, “How will my hair transplant look after 10 years?“

The best way to explain this is by demonstrating it.

I’ve shared three patients whose hair transplant results remain unchanged after ten years.

Hair Transplant Before and After FUE Sapphire 3.500 Grafts
Hair Transplant Before and After 4.000 Grafts
Hair Transplant After ten Years Paul

More on this topic in our Related Article:

● Best Hair Transplant Before and After Guide(10 Case Studies)

Understanding the difference between original hair and transplanted hair.

I find this aspect of hair restoration to be one of the most important ones everyone should understand in detail before considering a hair transplant.

Patients need to understand the difference between the original hair and transplanted hair.

Let me explain why this is important.

The original hair can continue to weaken and ultimately fall out.

Transplanted hair, on the other hand, is not sensitive to hair loss.

So, transplanted hairs won’t fall out most of the time.

The difference between existing and transplanted hairs can be easily spotted in certain patients.

However, there are cases where this difference is more challenging to spot.

This is especially difficult in thinning hair loss profiles where transplanted hairs are placed between existing original hairs.

When the original hairs fall out, some patients may confuse these hairs with the transplanted hairs falling out, leading to panic and sometimes unnecessary discussions between the patient and clinic.

It’s, therefore, critical to document the patient’s hair loss situation in detail, including the graft implantation plan.

If these dynamics are not understood in detail, the outcome of the hair transplant after ten years might be considered to have worsened, whereas this is actually not true.

The patient has most probably suffered from the existing hair continuing to fall out and confusing this with the transplanted hair.

Let’s continue with our next topic: whether you need a second hair transplant after ten years.

Will I need a second hair transplant after 10 years?

As mentioned before original hair can continue to fall out.

The transplanted hairs won’t.

This means that whether you need another hair transplant will depend on the progress of your original hair loss.

The degree of hair loss also matters.

If it’s slightly thinning, you might be ok with your hair.

Severe hair loss is a different situation in which you might want to do a touch-up to enjoy a fully restored head of hair again.

Your personal preference in life also plays a role.

Let me explain.

I’ve dealt with thousands of patients.

And most of them value their hair.

That makes sense; why would you opt for a hair transplant if you don’t value your hair?

However, some patients were obsessed with getting their hair back.

Other patients were happy to have hair again, but there was also a group that simply liked the fact of having hair again.

The last group would also be ok to shave their head completely.

Here’s my point.

Depending on how much you value your hair, you’ll decide whether you want a second hair transplant.

Let’s get to our final topic before I conclude with my final word.

Why does hair care matter?

Hair care matters.

Most patients forget about this after a hair transplant.

They think that hair transplants also guarantee healthy-looking hair.

Sorry to be spoiling this wrong idea.

That’s not how it works.

A hair transplant will give you new hair, but this doesn’t mean that the hair will be healthy.

Let me share some free advice patients normally need to pay for our clinics during hair loss consultation sessions.

Hair care is essential not only for the transplanted hairs but also for the original hairs.

I know this from personal experience as well.

If you have been suffering from hair loss, you need to do more than individuals with no hair loss issues to maintain your hair in good condition.

And we see this every day.

Patients who take care of their care enjoy better results and healthier-looking hair compared to patients who don’t.

Final Word

As you should understand by now, certain dynamics must be considered when analyzing a hair transplant after years.

Remember that if you want to enjoy the best results possible, you’ll have to start by selecting a good hair transplant clinic.

But once the work is done, it’s pretty much in your hands, as is the luck of how your hair transplant will look after years.

Let me quickly explain what I mean by the luck part.

There is no cure for hair loss currently.

This means that your hair loss might progress slowly, rapidly, or not at all.

This factor is unknown, but it’s wise to take good care of your hair and do what you can to increase your chances of enjoying both the transplanted and original hair for as long as possible.

Hair Transplant Consultation

Considering a hair transplant or a second hair transplant?

Contact us for a complimentary hair transplant consultation.

We will analyze your situation and share our vision of your situation and options.


What happens 10 or 20 years after a hair transplant?

You can expect the transplanted hairs to be the same.

The original hair might have thinned out, or you might have lost it.

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James Wilson

James co-founded Tecnifue International and has guided thousands of patients personally since 2012 in their hair transplant journey. He is a trusted voice in Turkey's hair restoration scene and your go-to source for the best insights.

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Longevity of Hair Follicles after Follicular Unit Transplant Surgery
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Written By

James Wilson

August 27, 2024 at 01:04 pm

Edited By

James Wilson

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