FUE Hair TransplantNo Comments
Last Updated:
July 23, 2024
Written By:
James Wilson

If you’ve been looking into hair transplants, you’ve probably come across the No Shave FUE Hair Transplant.

The idea of shaving your head can be pretty daunting, right?

Especially if it is your first time.

It’s normal to wonder if you can have a FUE Hair Transplant without shaving your head.

And, of course, you’re curious about how it all works.

You’re in the right place for all your questions about the No Shave FUE.

But first, a quick introduction.

I’m James, co-founder of Tecnifue International Hair Clinic, established in 2012.

Since then, we’ve helped thousands of patients on their hair restoration journeys here in Istanbul, Turkey.

If you’re new to the topic of hair restoration in Turkey and why Istanbul is the world’s hair restoration capital, check out one of my most popular blogs:

Hair Transplant in Turkey: Expert Guide to Success (15 Tips).”

Now, let’s return to our No Shave FUE Hair Transplant topic.

Ready to get started?

Let’s dive in!

How the No Shave FUE Hair Transplant Came to Be

Curious how the No Shave FUE Hair Transplant became so popular in the hair transplant world?

Let me break it down for you.

Shaving your head can be one of the biggest hurdles in a hair transplant journey, especially if you’ve never done it before.

Many people ask themselves questions like:

  • What will people say when they see me bald?
  • Will people stare at my new look?
  • Will I look bad?

These concerns are common and understandable.

It’s no wonder people often ask if it’s possible to get a hair transplant without shaving their heads entirely.

That’s how the No Shave FUE Hair Transplant was born.

Patient after a No Shave FUE Hair Transplant @ Tecnifue International

No Shave FUE Explained

So, what exactly is a No Shave FUE hair transplant, and how does it work?

Let’s clear up some common misconceptions.

First, the No Shave FUE Hair Transplant isn’t a separate method.

It’s still the FUE method.

The term “no shave” refers to not having to shave the top of your hair.

However, the donor area does need to be shaved to extract the hair follicles.

In my expert opinion, and as supported by our medical board, one critical aspect of the No-Shave FUE is that the recipient zone should not have long hair.

In simpler terms, this means there should be no hair in the treatment zone.

Here’s why:

If hair is still in the recipient area, opening channels and implanting grafts becomes technically complex and challenging for the medical team.

This makes the No Shave FUE unsuitable for most people.

For those with long hair experiencing thinning, a No Shave DHI Hair Transplant might be a better option.

I’ll explain this in detail in the section:

“What is the Best Hair Transplant Without Shaving?”

But before we get to that, let’s examine the benefits of a No-Shave FUE Hair Transplant.

Let’s continue.

What Are the Benefits of a No Shave FUE Hair Transplant?

The most obvious benefit is that you don’t need to shave your entire head.

If you have long hair, you won’t have to wait for it to grow back.

For some people, their hair is incredibly important.

I’ve seen this firsthand during consultations at our clinic.

Some individuals wouldn’t have considered a hair transplant if it meant shaving their whole head.

For these “hair fanatics,” the No Shave FUE is a blessing.

Another advantage, related to the first, is that you can return to your usual appearance much quicker.

You can resume your social life looking like your old self sooner.

This is crucial if you work in a job where your physical presence and appearance matter, like in the service sector, where you interact face-to-face with clients.

So, these are the main benefits of the No Shave FUE Hair Transplant.

What’s next?

Let’s discuss whether a No Shave FUE Hair Transplant is more expensive.

Is a No-Shave FUE Hair Transplant More Expensive?

I previously explained that the No Shave FUE method is the same as the standard FUE.

So why do people think it’s more expensive?

It’s not a strange question.

Let me explain.

Initially, the No Shave FUE option was not widely offered by many clinics.

It had a more exclusive nature, and many clinics charged a markup fee for it.

However, as more clinics began offering the No Shave option, the pricing started to change.

Some clinics now charge the same for the No Shave as for the standard FUE.

The reasoning is simple: it’s the same method and doesn’t cost more to perform from a Medical perspective.

As an expert, I agree entirely with clinics that charge no additional fee for the No Shave FUE.

We at Tecnifue International charge the same for both options.

Our focus is on results.

We communicate honestly if a patient will benefit from shaving the entire head.

The patient’s desire is secondary; the outcome is what matters.

Personally, I also find it unethical to charge more for the No Shave FUE.

There’s no additional work involved, nor are there different tools used that would justify a higher price.

But this is my personal view.

I leave it to other clinics to handle their ethical considerations.

My advice?

Insist on the same price for both methods, as they are essentially the same.

If anyone tries to convince you otherwise, how to proceed is up to you.

You get the point.

Next, let’s look at the best hair transplant options without shaving.

What Is the Best Hair Transplant Without Shaving?

That’s a great question.

Let’s start with the basics to give us a solid foundation.

You have two main options for a hair transplant: the DHI and FUE methods.

For detailed information on these methods, check out my popular blogs:

Now, here’s the best answer.

The key factor to consider is your hair loss profile.

Some profiles are better suited for a DHI No-Shave Hair Transplant, while for others, it doesn’t matter much.

Let me explain.

If a patient has a receding hairline with no hair in the restoration area, the effectiveness of No Shave FUE and No Shave DHI is the same.

But if the midsection of the head is thinning, my expert opinion is that a

No Shave DHI is the clear winner.

Here’s why:

In the FUE method, surgeons need to open channels between existing hairs, which is challenging and can affect the treatment’s effectiveness.

The implantation phase is also difficult when working between long hairs, making the process even more labor-intensive and technically precise.

So, if you want a no-shave option and have thinning hair in the midsection, a no-shave DHI is your best bet.

How Does DHI Differ?

How does DHI differ, you might wonder?

Well, with DHI, there’s no need to open channels first.

Grafts are implanted directly between existing hairs in one single action.

The Choi implanter used in a DHI Hair Transplant is often called a precision tool.

Based on our experience, this makes DHI No Shave the clear winner in specific scenarios.

Let’s continue with our last topic before we wrap up with some No Shave FUE results.

Are the No-Shave FUE Hair Transplant Results Different from a Complete Shave?

The answer is no.

The results are the same, but it’s crucial to ensure your hair loss profile is suited for it.

As I explained, it’s not the best solution for thinning hair.

If a full shave would be better and you opt for a no-shave FUE instead, the results might not be as good.

Any experienced clinic should be able to guide you on this.

You can choose a No Shave FUE Hair Transplant with peace of mind, knowing it won’t negatively impact your results.

What’s our final topic before we sum up?

How about looking at some No Shave FUE before and after results?

Let’s check that out.

No shave FUE hair transplant before and after

I mentioned previously that standard FUE and no-shave FUE results are the same.

Here are a few no FUE Hair Transplant Results so you can decide yourself.

Summing Up

You now have a solid understanding of the No Shave FUE and how it works.

Let’s sum up everything we’ve covered in a simple overview.

This sum up will be helpful if you want a quick refresher in the future.


  • No Shave FUE Hair Transplant: This avoids shaving the top of your head.
  • Why it’s popular: Many people are hesitant to shave their heads for a transplant.

Origins of No Shave FUE

  • Challenge: Shaving the head can be a big hurdle.
  • Common questions:
    • Will I look bad bald?
    • Will people stare?
    • What will people think?
  • Solution: No Shave FUE was developed to address these concerns.

No Shave FUE Explained

  • Misconception: It’s not a separate method from FUE.
  • What it means: Only the donor area is shaved, not the top.
  • Important note: The recipient zone should have no long hair for best results.

Benefits of No Shave FUE

  • No full shave needed: Keeps your long hair intact.
  • Quick return to usual look: Important for jobs requiring a presentable appearance.

Cost of No Shave FUE

  • Same method as FUE: It shouldn’t cost more.
  • Clinic practices: Some may charge more, but it’s the same procedure.

Best Hair Transplant Without Shaving

  • Two main methods: DHI and FUE.
  • Hair loss profile:
    • Receding hairline: No Shave FUE and DHI are equally effective.
    • Thinning midsection: No Shave DHI is better.
  • Why DHI is better for some:
    • No need to open channels.
    • Direct implantation with the Choi implanter.

Results Comparison

  • No Shave FUE vs. Complete Shave: Results are the same.
  • Key point: Ensure your hair loss profile is suitable for No Shave FUE.


  • Final thought: No Shave FUE is a great option for many, but the best method depends on your specific hair loss pattern.

Final Note

Getting accurate answers about hair restoration isn’t easy.

We hear daily from people who are thrilled with our content, and this feedback makes us happy.

It also highlights the dire need for good information on hair restoration.

I understand that it’s a challenging task.

Even as an expert, it took me years to fully grasp the complexities of hair restoration.

After nearly 15 years in this field, I am still learning.

We have trained all our Medical Consultants with this deep understanding.

Patients need guidance to make decisions based on complete information.

Our job is to provide that.

If you’re considering a hair transplant and need guidance, contact us.

One of our seasoned Medical Consultants will support you and answer all your questions.


Can FUE be done without shaving?

Yes, FUE can be done without shaving the top of your hair.

However, the donor area will always need to be shaved.

How much is shave less FUE?

Shave less FUE should cost the same as standard FUE.

Prices vary by location: around $8,000 in the U.S. and $2,500 in Turkey.

Do you need to shave all your hair for a hair transplant?

No, you don’t need to shave all your hair.

Methods like DHI No Shave allow a transplant without shaving your entire head.

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James Wilson

James co-founded Tecnifue International and has guided thousands of patients personally since 2012 in their hair transplant journey. He is a trusted voice in Turkey's hair restoration scene and your go-to source for the best insights.

How we reviewed this article:

*Psychology of Hair Loss Patients and Importance of Counseling
Written By: Lakshyajit Dhami

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Written By

James Wilson

July 22, 2024 at 02:35 pm

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July 17, 2024 at 03:30 pm

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