Hair Transplant TurkeyNo Comments
Last Updated:
August 1, 2024
Written By:
James Wilson

If you’re curious about the hair transplant cost in Turkey and want to know more about the available costs and packages we offer at our clinic in Istanbul, check out our Cost & Packages Page.

But if you’d like to gain some important insights into the costs of a hair transplant in Turkey, continue reading.

Let me explain why knowing the information within this blog is essential.

My expert insights will help you assess the prices and packages for a hair transplant in Istanbul.

Here are some of the topics that I will cover within this detailed guide:

  • I will explain why the principle of price per graft does not apply to most Turkish clinics.
  • You will learn about the lowest, highest, and average costs for a hair transplant in Turkey in 2024. This is based on research we conducted analyzing the prices of 50 hair restoration clinics in Turkey.
  • Finally, I will also share how you can spot some red flags.

Pretty exciting stuff, wouldn’t you agree?

There are also a few other interesting topics covered that are definitely worthwhile knowing if you are considering a hair transplant in Turkey.

If you were under the impression that all packages and costs were similar in Turkey, this blog will be a wake-up call for you.

There are severe differences between the offers, which you will learn to spot with my expert tips.

Before we start answering the most critical question on your mind (how much a hair transplant in Turkey costs), let me quickly introduce myself if you are new to our site or my work.

I am James, and I co-founded Tecnifue International in 2012.

Our clinic is well known by many global patients (from 28 countries) for hair transplants in Istanbul.

As one of our clinic’s active leaders, I’ve helped and guided thousands of individuals with their hair restoration needs.

So, I know a thing or two about hair restoration.

And here’s one important thing I want you to know:

Good research is critical if you want to increase your chances of a successful outcome.

And I am here to help.

If you read a few of my other blogs, you will see that’s indeed what I try to do.

I offer clear and transparent info with a no-nonsense Dutch( I am from the Netherlands) style, getting straight to the point.

I am not always diplomatic in my approach to certain practices that I consider unethical.

So, I am here to help and guide you with all that I know. (Sorry for the long intro about me.)

Let’s return to our topic about the hair transplant cost in Turkey.

Ready to dive in?

Let’s start.

How Much Does a Hair Transplant in Turkey Cost?

I mentioned in the intro that we analyzed 50 websites of hair restoration clinics in Istanbul to see what prices are being charged.

For the skeptical statistics lovers, let me add some context to our research.

We decided to focus on Istanbul alone.

Yes, it’s true that Istanbul is a more expensive place to live.

So, it’s fair to assume that if we had included other cities in our research, the average cost for a hair transplant would probably be lower than the figure we’ll share with you shortly.

Nevertheless, 99% or more of those having a hair restoration procedure in Turkey opt to have their hair transplant in Istanbul.

We often refer to a hair transplant in Turkey, but it would be just as fair to say a hair transplant in Istanbul.

That is more accurate from a geo-location perspective.

Here’s another side note that you might find interesting to know.

We included only clinics that have been active for longer than three years, have an active Instagram page, and have more than 100 Google Reviews.

So, we’ve filtered down to an extent.

This does mean that certain clinics were left out.

This information serves to give you some background on how we conducted our research.

Now that you know how we did our research, let’s share what we’ve found.

Here are our findings:

  • Lowest Cost for a Hair Transplant in Turkey: $1,500
  • Highest Cost for a Hair Transplant in Turkey: $10,500
  • Average Cost for a Hair Transplant in Turkey: $2,650

Here’s some data to give you a better understanding of the prices that we’ve found:

  • The lowest price was a basic package for a FUE Hair Transplant, not Sapphire. Some clinics charge Sapphire an additional fee of $150.
  • Only one clinic charged more than $10,000. The next highest price was $7,500. This means there is no clinic in the $7,500 – $10,500 price range.

Here’s a breakdown of the price segments of the clinics we studied:

  • Price Range $1,500 – $2,250: 14 Clinics
  • Price Range $2,250 – $3,250: 17 Clinics
  • Price Range $3,250 – $4,000: 13 Clinics
  • Price Range $4,000 – $7,500: 5 Clinics
  • Price Range $10,000+: 1 Clinic

We’ve probably saved you lots of research time by doing this analysis.

These prices will give you at least some references on the costs of a hair transplant in Turkey.

Now that you know how much a hair transplant in Turkey can potentially cost you, let’s move on to our next topic.

In our next topic, I’ll explain the pricing methods of cost per graft vs. cost per package.

Let’s continue.

Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey abstract design by Hebun Yazici

Cost per Graft for a Hair Transplant in Turkey vs. Package Deals Explained

If you’ve ever asked for a quote for a hair transplant in the US, Canada, or probably most European countries, you likely received a quote based on the price per graft.

Let me explain.

Assume that you need 3,000 grafts to restore your hair.

Now, let’s assume the cost per graft is $3.

This means you will be quoted $9,000 for your hair restoration.

That’s how most clinics in the States, Canada, and Europe will quote you.

That’s not how it works in Turkey, though.

Clinics in Turkey, including ours, provide quotations based on a package deal.

Here’s what that means.

You will be charged the same amount of money up to a maximum number of grafts.

Let’s break this down so you get it.

Our FUE package, for instance, includes up to 6,000 grafts for a single session.

Let’s explain this with an example.

Let’s assume you come with a friend to have the procedure performed.

Your need is 4,000 grafts, and your friend needs 3,000 grafts.

You will both pay the same price since the price is fixed up to 6,000 grafts.

But it’s not only the grafts included in the package deal; there’s more.

I will explain in detail what a hair transplant package in Turkey includes, but before we get to that, let’s focus on the advantages of package deals vs. cost per graft.

Advantages of Package Deals vs. Per Graft Costs

Let’s look at the advantages of package deals vs. a price per graft deal.

The biggest advantage is that the treatment can focus on your needs rather than how much you can afford at that moment.

Let me explain.

Let’s say you need 4,000 grafts for a good result, but you have a budget of $5,000.

If the price per graft is $2, you’re $3,000 short of your budget.

But you really want to go ahead since you want your hair back, so your outcome might be compromised here to keep the treatment within your budget.

You won’t have this issue with a package deal for the maximum number of grafts per session.

That was the first advantage.

Here’s another advantage.

Let’s say you have a receding front hairline and a thinning crown that require restoration.

The front hairline requires 3,500 grafts, and the crown requires 2,000 grafts.

This would generally be planned over two treatments in countries such as the US and Canada.

I’m sure you understand how this will impact the costs—a severe expense.

But that’s not all there is to it.

Let me give you another perspective to consider.

It means that you will have to undergo two separate surgeries.

That’s twice the effort and related stress for a treatment.

This also means that you will have to wait longer before you see the final results of the hair restoration procedures.

A second hair transplant requires a waiting period of 8 months.

The reason for this is that the donor area needs to recover for 8 to 10 months before a second hair extraction can take place.

But you won’t have this issue if you opt for a max graft package deal.

So that’s the second advantage.

Let me share one more advantage before I round this part off and explain what is included in a package for a hair transplant in Turkey.

The final advantage is that you will have peace of mind when dealing with a clinic.

Let me explain this with another example.

Imagine dealing with a few clinics quoting you based on a price per graft principle.

One clinic says you need 2,500 grafts; the second mentions 3,000 grafts, and the third one says 4,000 grafts.

If you think these discrepancies are far-fetched, they are not.

These are patient stories we hear daily at our clinic in Istanbul from patients from the USA and Canada.

Good luck finding out what your need is.

Such differences don’t help any patient weighing their options.

It has two impacts we prefer to avoid seeing as a hair restoration practice.

It creates a foundation of distrust for hair restoration clinics.

Who will you trust in their judgment on the number of grafts that you need?

Starting from a foundation of distrust is never pleasant, especially if it is a medically aesthetic decision.

You might feel that the clinics you’re dealing with are just out to make more money.

You might think, “The more grafts they implant, the more they can charge me.

But what if I don’t need that number of grafts?”

You get the point.

This is not a place anyone would like to be in.

Here’s the second impact we don’t like to see.

It shifts the focus from what matters: you and your needs.

Hair restoration is a personal journey, and the feeling that you are seen and cared for as a unique individual is a critical part of the positive hair transplant experience.

The focus should be on your needs, questions, and concerns.

It would help if you felt that you were being understood.

You are entrusting your head, which is a huge thing.

So, a big focus should be on accommodating your emotional needs during this journey.

Now, I am not talking about in-depth psychological counseling here.

That’s not the clinic’s job.

But we all like to feel understood and taken care of.

We like to feel we are in good hands.

And trust forms the basic condition for this.

So, having a package deal with the maximum number of grafts will increase the likelihood of a foundation of trust.

Let’s say it won’t create a barrier to trust.

A price-per-graft pricing model can do the opposite, as explained by the necessary challenges and problems involved.

So now that we’ve covered this as well, what’s next?

Next, let me share what you can expect to be included in a package for a hair transplant in Turkey.

What Does a Hair Transplant in Turkey Package Include?

If you opt for a hair transplant in Turkey, you’ll find that most clinics offer complete packages to cater to international patients traveling to Istanbul for a hair transplant.

I will share the contents of a typical Turkish hair transplant package and add additional information that may not be obvious but is certainly relevant.

This is based on our own experience and feedback from our patients.


Most clinics do not offer flights as part of the package.

This is understandable since flight prices can change depending on where you live and when you plan to fly out.

Some clinics support finding reasonable ticket prices and help you plan your trip to Turkey.

Here’s an expert tip if you are planning a trip to Turkey and booking a flight: Plan 3 to 4 months in advance.

This will get you the best deals.

If you’ve been flying frequently, you might already know this, but this tip can save you hundreds of dollars if you don’t fly often.

Medical Consultant for Support

Most clinics have Medical Consultants who function as your main point of contact.

Think of them as your reference point for getting a quotation, asking questions related to the hair transplant surgery, and the person who organizes your whole stay in Turkey.

But it doesn’t stop here.

Most clinics allow you to stay in touch with the same Medical Consultant even after your hair transplant procedure.

As you can imagine, plenty of aftercare-related questions need answering.

The Medical Consultant does just that for you.

For example, at our clinic, we offer up to 12 months of support via live chat after the hair restoration procedure.

This support is provided by the same medical consultant assisting you since your first interaction with our clinic.

It’s an enjoyable experience to deal with the same person throughout the process.

The Medical Consultant knows your case in detail, making communication very smooth and pleasant.

When dealing with a medical consultant, you want to make sure that their level of English is high.

This is important for two reasons.

First, you want to communicate all of your needs and expectations clearly and ensure that you get answers that you understand.

This makes the whole experience more comfortable and reassuring.

Secondly, since we are dealing with a medical situation, there must be no barrier to communication.

You want to ensure that your medical consultant can explain medical jargon clearly and in a relatable way.

You will be dealing with your Medical Consultant for a long time, so make sure you feel good about the person you are dealing with.

Let’s move on to the next part of the hair transplant package in Turkey: airport pick-up and drop-off.

Doctor and Medical Consultant during Hair Transplant Analysis @ TecniFUE International

Airport Pick-Up and Drop-Off

A few things are more stressful than having a long flight and then needing to organize a transfer to your hotel in a country where you don’t speak your native language.

Almost all clinics in Turkey that deal with international patients offer transfer services.

Transfer services mean you will be picked up from the airport and dropped off again for your return home.

Your medical consultant will give you instructions on how to find the driver.

Our patients receive detailed instructional videos on where to go upon arrival.

Generally speaking, these are meeting points assigned by the airport.

In our way of working, patients share their names with the responsible person at the meeting point.

The responsible person then calls our driver, who comes to the meeting point to pick up the patient.

Most of our patients are amazed by this experience since we work with VIP cars for pick-up.

This is a common practice for airport transfers in Istanbul, but most of our international patients are more familiar with taxis or Uber.

When they get in our VIP car, they are impressed by the luxury experience.

It sets the tone for your expectations and shows that we value our guests.

That’s how we view it.

So once the pick-up has been arranged, it’s time to get to the hotel.

Example of VIP vehicles used for transfer Services from Airports in Turkey


Pullman Hotel Istanbul

Most clinics dealing with international patients will also include accommodation in their package deals.

The average stay is two nights, and most of the hotels offered in the packages we have studied are 4-star hotels.

All of the hotels we analyzed offer a stay on a Bed and Breakfast (BB) basis, meaning that breakfast is included in your stay.

Lunch and dinner are not included, nor are minibar drinks or any other services in the hotel.

You will find that most of the packages offer a room based on single occupancy.

This doesn’t mean you can’t bring someone or stay with more than one person in your room.

You will generally be charged an additional fee for the second person per night.

We currently work with the Pullman Hotel, which is a 5-star hotel.

We want our patients to have an impeccable experience, so we prefer the best hotel within our means.

Here’s a tip: Istanbul is a fantastic place to visit.

Many patients who come for a hair transplant add a few days to their stay to enjoy Istanbul.

It’s like a short holiday.

This is why our sector falls under Medical Tourism.

I’ve written a blog about why Turkey is famous for hair transplants.

One reason is that many people like the idea of having their hair transplant and a short holiday at the same time.

Especially if you are traveling from a location such as the United States or Canada, I strongly recommend combining your hair transplant trip with a short holiday.

Our hotel is 30 minutes from all the tourist amenities (30 minutes is very short for Istanbul).

So, most of our patients add a few days to their stay at our hotel, which we facilitate.

Now that we’ve covered accommodation, let’s move on to the next item in the package deal: transportation between the clinic and the hotel.

Interior picture of Pulman Hotel Istanbul

Transportation Between the Hotel and the Clinic

Most clinics will facilitate transportation between the hotel and the clinic.

You will generally be picked up from the hotel lobby and driven to the clinic.

This goes for all necessary transportation, meaning you will be dropped off after treatment.

The same arrangement will be made for pick-up and drop-off for the first wash and post-op control.

The Hair Transplant Procedure

The procedure itself is also part of the package.

This includes consultation, which consists of hair analysis, a new hairline design, and creating a treatment plan.

A treatment plan should clearly outline which zones will be treated and the number of grafts allocated per zone.

It is critical to communicate clearly in the offer and confirmation letters which method will be used in your case.

As mentioned, most Turkish clinics will charge you a fixed price for a maximum number of grafts.

Pre-Op Health Check-Ups

Pre-op health checks are critical and also mandatory by Turkish laws.

The health checks include a consultation where the hair transplant surgeon will review your medical history and ask relevant health-related questions.

There is also a physical part, which consists of the following checks:

  • Check-up for infectious diseases
  • Full blood count
  • Blood pressure check
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)

Some Turkish clinics don’t offer an EKG test as part of the pre-op health check plan.

No matter how small the related risks are, not offering an EKG test is incorrect.

Our philosophy is very clear: patient safety comes above all.

No concessions can be made on this, and it is not open for discussion.

Necessary Aftercare Products and Medication

Most clinics will include all necessary aftercare products and medication in Turkey’s hair transplant package deals.

You can expect a bag containing products such as a special shampoo and hydration foam.

The bag will also include medication such as antibiotics and painkillers after the procedure.

This is the minimum most clinics will provide in their aftercare kit.

Some clinics include covers for pillows so your pillow stays clean during the first night of sleep.

Others will include an inflatable travel pillow.

This is a common practice, but some clinics do not offer any aftercare products at all.

They are in the minority, but check this box off when reviewing the offer you receive.

Here’s one final tip: don’t confuse necessary aftercare products and medication with optional hair growth products.

Most clinics, including ours, offer aftercare packages, including hair growth product sets.

These products are optional, so don’t be surprised to think they’re included as well.


Most Turkish doctors don’t speak a high level of English.

While Google Translate can help with basic translation needs, it’s insufficient for this occasion.

So, most clinics that welcome international patients have translators on-site to ensure you have support from someone who understands you and can explain the medical team’s words in detail.

The role of the translator is crucial in formulating the treatment plan with the medical team.

At our clinic, for instance, we don’t hire solely based on language skills; we also consider the translator’s emotional intelligence (EQ).

The translator has more than a translation function; it goes beyond this.

The translator serves as a companion to the patient throughout the day of the hair transplant procedure.

We’ve covered in detail what a hair transplant package in Turkey can contain.

Before I explain how a DHI and FUE hair transplant package in Turkey can differ, we have one more item to go.

But before I get there, let me finalize the last package item: the post-op check-up and first wash.

Post-Op Check-Up and First Wash

All clinics that offer hair transplant packages include the post-op check-up and the first wash in the package deal.

This post-op check and first wash generally occur the day after the hair transplant surgery.

There are a few things the team will look for:

  • Are all transplanted grafts still secure?
  • Is the scab formation progressing as it should?
  • Is the skin healing well?
  • Are there any blood flow-related issues on the scalp?

The washing is a gentle wash.

The bandage will be removed from the donor area before the wash, and there won’t be any need to cover up the donor area with a bandage afterward.

There you go!

As you can see, the hair transplant packages in Turkey are very comprehensive.

They’re set up so that a patient traveling from any part of the world has no hassle organizing anything.

Here’s what we say to our patients: Just ensure you get on the plane and arrive in Istanbul.

We’ve got everything else covered once you arrive in Istanbul.

Let’s continue with our next topic regarding the cost of a hair transplant in Turkey.

Next, I explain why there can be a change in price depending on the method you choose.

FUE Hair Transplant Costs in Turkey vs. DHI Hair Transplant Costs in Turkey

Most Turkish clinics will offer you two methods to choose from: the DHI method and the FUE method.

The cost of a DHI hair transplant in Turkey is generally higher than the cost of an FUE hair transplant.

I’ve mentioned that the average cost for a hair transplant in Turkey is $2,650.

However, a DHI hair transplant costs about $250 more on average.

Let me explain this price difference.

There are two main reasons for this price difference: DHI experts’ availability and Choi Implanters’ cost.

FUE has been around for more years compared to DHI.

This means there has been a more extended period to learn and train experts in FUE hair restoration.

We don’t have specific figures, but plenty of good FUE medical staff can be recruited if needed.

DHI medical staff, on the other hand, are more challenging to find due to their smaller numbers.

Add to this the fact that DHI has gained rapid popularity in recent years, and you can imagine what this does to the demand and supply of the DHI workforce available to Turkish clinics.

Since there is a high demand for DHI experts and a relatively low supply, their market value increases.

In other words, to attract them, they need to be compensated with a higher fee.

That’s how market economies work.

The ‘FUE’ community is not very happy with this trend, and they have a point since, technically speaking, one method is not more complicated than the other once mastered.

But that’s how market forces work.

I might explore this more complicated topic in a separate blog in my Thought Leadership series.

So, the reason why DHI hair transplant packages in Turkey are more expensive is due to the higher compensation DHI experts receive compared to FUE experts.

The second reason is related to the Choi Implanter Pens that are used in a DHI hair transplant.

For the best results, choi pens need to be replaced regularly, and their needle tips must be replaced after each surgery.

Both the pens and tips are expensive materials.

The cost of these materials needs to be factored into the price.

FUE hair transplant tools are more durable and last for many more procedures than DHI hair transplant Choi Implanters and steel tips.

I will cover a few more topics before I share my final thoughts.

Let’s continue with our next topic, the trends for hair transplant costs in Turkey.

In this section of our blog, I will focus on the recent cost developments for hair transplants in Turkey.

The pandemic has had a big impact on inflation levels across the globe, and Turkey has seen this impact more than many countries.

Let’s look at the Turkish inflation rates:

  • Inflation Rate Turkey 2019: 15.18%
  • Inflation Rate Turkey 2020: 12.28%
  • Inflation Rate Turkey 2021: 19.60%
  • Inflation Rate Turkey 2022: 72.31%
  • Inflation Rate Turkey 2023: 53.86%
  • Inflation Rate Turkey 2024: 59.52%

If we add the inflation figures for the last three years, we see that Turkey has suffered an inflation rate of 185.69%.

These figures might shock you if you haven’t followed global inflation trends.

Yes, this is the reality Turkey is dealing with.

And figures aren’t expected to come down to single digits before 2026.

So, the country still has its fight against inflation ahead.

However, this blog is not about the Turkish economy, so I won’t discuss inflation figures and economics in more depth.

I am sure you get the point, though.

Turkish hair transplant clinics have seen severe cost increases on many levels.

This includes rent, personnel costs, and materials used for hair transplant surgeries, to name a few.

So, the $2,000 package price before the pandemic is really not feasible in any way if Turkish hair transplant clinics wish to maintain a healthy business operation.

This confirms our research findings, which show that the average cost for a hair transplant clinic in 2024 is $2,650.

So, when comparing packages, keep this information on inflation rates in mind.

Yet you will find clinics that are working within the $2,000 price range, and you might wonder why there are so many price differences in the cost of hair restoration between Turkish clinics.

This is a good question we get asked frequently, and I will share my vision in detail in our next part.

Why Are There So Many Price Differences Between the Clinics in Turkey?

Let me explain why you will see price differences between Turkish clinics.

First, it’s important to note that price differences between clinics are not unique to Turkey.

European and US-based clinics show discrepancies in their pricing as well.

Price differences are normal in a free market economy.

The Turkish hair restoration sector is part of this economy, so clinics can decide their own pricing.

Now that we have clarified this capitalist free market principle let’s dive deeper.

I’ll break it down into four different types of clinics to help you better understand the cost differences for hair restoration clinics in Turkey.

Premium Price Clinics

You will find specific clinics that are premium-focused.

These clinics will generally accept only a few patients a day.

You can expect a fully customized and personal approach from such clinics.

These clinics are limited and will generally charge a premium price.

This is similar to any premium brand worldwide; people are always willing to pay extra for a premium brand and experience.

These clinics target this group specifically.

A hair transplant at such clinics will generally cost over $3,000.

Volume-Focused Clinics

The second group you will find are clinics that are volume-focused.

This means performing as many daily operations as possible and optimizing workflows to accommodate this.

In other words, they create an organization that works efficiently to maximize its workforce to perform as many hair surgeries as possible daily.

Such clinics will generally do this without compromising quality, though this comes with specific challenges, especially if the clinic grows too fast.

A hair transplant at such clinics will generally cost around $2,750.

Commodity-Focused Clinics

These clinics view hair restoration as a commodity.

Their main goal is to maximize profits and minimize costs.

The focus here is on delivering a hair transplant treatment at an acceptable level rather than providing the best possible result or experience for the patient.

Very few clinics will openly admit to belonging to this group.

However, having been in business since 2012, we know many clinics, and you’d be surprised by the number of clinics that operate with this mindset.

A hair transplant at such clinics will generally cost around $2,350.

Price Fighter Clinics

The last group of clinics has one obvious objective: to offer the lowest price.

Their target group is highly price-sensitive patients who view hair transplants as a commodity.

You can expect practices that we would call unacceptable as a quality provider.

We question the ethical standards of such clinics.

These clinics believe that price is the only thing that matters.

I can be diplomatic, but I won’t be when it comes to such clinics.

They serve no good purpose and are often the cause of the horror hair transplant stories you will encounter online.

Occasionally, they may deliver an acceptable result, but their performance is not consistent.

It’s like playing a game of luck, and when it comes to something as critical as a hair transplant, you don’t want to base your outcome on luck.

A hair transplant at such clinics will generally cost around $1,850.

You should now have a much better understanding of why there are price differences between Turkish hair transplant clinics.

Let me give you two more insider views before I share some expert tips on choosing the best hair transplant packages in Turkey.

Why a Hair Transplant in Turkey Can’t Be Lower Than $2,000

Considering the inflation rates Turkey has been dealing with and understanding the costs of hair restoration, here’s my claim,

Clinics offering a price lower than $2,000 to international patients can’t make a profit if they want to deliver a minimum-quality hair restoration service.

We operate as a clinic and know that $2,000 is the break-even level for most clinics.

This means clinics charging less than $2,000 are not making any profit.

Any clinic should aim for a healthy profit margin of around 30%.

You might offer such low prices if you are just starting out as a new clinic and trying to make a name for yourself.

However, that’s never a sustainable business model for a healthy, long-term operation.

You should consider whether you want to be the guinea pig at such a new clinic.

So, what’s the ideal minimum price for hair restoration that Turkish clinics should aim for?

The ideal sales price for a healthy operating clinic is $3,250

I am sure that the majority of hair transplant clinic owners will agree with me that, given the inflation we have been dealing with, the minimum price should be around $3,000.

And $3,250 is the mark for a healthy business in 2024.

We don’t expect inflation rates to decrease significantly before 2026, so we should prepare ourselves for price increases.

This poses particular challenges for Turkish clinics.

Price is still one of the main reasons why Turkey is preferred for hair restoration by many international patients.

So further price increases might affect the global market share of Turkish clinics in hair restoration procedures.

I agree that this will impose certain challenges.

This is a topic I will address in more detail in one of my Thought Leadership Blogs.

You now better understand the cost setup for a hair transplant in Turkey.

Before I conclude, let me share a few expert tips on how to find and choose the best hair transplant packages in Turkey.

Let’s continue.

Expert Tips to Choose the Best Hair Transplant Packages in Turkey (Red Flags)

Here are a few expert tips on choosing a hair transplant package in Turkey.

Get a Few Offers from Different Clinics

This tip might seem obvious, but there’s more to it. Let me explain.

If you’re excited about getting your hair back and have a good offer, you might commit immediately and miss out on other potentially better offers.

I understand your excitement, but I advise getting at least three offers before committing to a clinic.

Study 5-10 reputable clinics and then reach out to three that give you a good feeling.

Do Some Research on the Topic Before You Commit to a Clinic

You might have heard that Turkey is the place to go for a hair transplant and immediately reach out to a few clinics you find on Instagram or

Google, choosing your clinic within a week without any research.

I strongly advise against this.

There are many pitfalls in this approach, more than you can imagine.

Do some research first, and take your time.

Now, I’m not saying you need to become a professor of hair restoration, but you should at least be familiar with terms such as Sapphire FUE, DHI, and No-Shave options.

To help you in this research, I’ve created an extensive guide on how to choose a hair transplant clinic in Turkey.

You get the point; do your homework before you commit.

Make Sure You Understand Your Situation and Needs

Your needs go beyond the number of grafts required.

Each situation is unique, and it’s critical for any successful hair restoration to understand the patient’s background.

This includes when your hair loss started, what medications you’re on, and what the hair transplant treatment plan is for your case.

Here’s what I’m trying to explain:

Your decision shouldn’t be based solely on the quotes you receive.

It’s critical to have a detailed understanding of how the clinic will help you.

Let me share three red flags before I conclude this guide.

Three Red Flags When Considering the Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey

These red flags will help you spot clinics to reconsider if you had them in mind.

Here’s the first red flag.

Watch Out for Clinics Claiming to Be the Best

If a clinic claims to be the best in Istanbul, that’s a clear red flag.

No clinic in Turkey can genuinely claim to be the best.

I have explained this extensively in our “Best Hair Transplant in Turkey” blog.

It’s one of our most popular blogs, and I highly recommend you read it.

For now, take my word for it: if a clinic says they are the best, this should be a red flag.

You could also ask them why they think they are the best and see if they respond in a sensible way.

Please share it with me if you find the answer reasonable.

I might need to update my knowledge.

Watch Out for Clinics That Try to Lock You In Quickly

Imagine you’re trying to get answers to your concerns and receive responses like, “Don’t worry, we will take care of it.”

While it’s good to know you will be taken care of, it’s also essential to have your questions answered clearly.

If you get vague or incomplete answers followed by constant reminders to book a date, your alarm bells should go off.

You are probably dealing with a clinic that is focusing on booking as many patients as possible.

Here’s how I view it.

A hair transplant is a big decision, and a professional medical consultant’s role is to support you with any questions.

This is important enough to write a separate blog article for many reasons.

But here’s the gist: medical consultants are not salespeople working with sales targets.

That’s not how it should work.

Such practices indicate that you are dealing with a sales-oriented clinic rather than a patient-oriented clinic.

Now, I’m not saying sales are bad.

It’s part of any healthy business.

Yet, if the person you’re dealing with holds the title “Medical Consultant,” their main aim should be to answer your questions first and guide you in your hair transplant journey.

If the main objective is sales, the title should be “Sales Consultant.”

You get the point, I’m sure.

So, if you are dealing with a “Medical Consultant” who can’t answer your questions in detail and feel pressured constantly to lock in a date, know that you might be dealing with a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

I warned you.

Let’s move on to our final red flag.

Watch Out for Clinics Charging an Additional Fee If the Doctor Is Actively Involved

This last red flag might come as a surprise and confusion.

Don’t worry, I’ll explain everything you need to know.

In recent years, some large clinics have asked for additional fees if the doctor is involved in all stages.

First, I doubt any doctor will do the implantation of a hair transplant procedure.

Maybe a few grafts, then hand it over to the technicians to complete the procedure.

But that’s not my main point.

A doctor should always be involved in the most critical stage of the hair transplant.

Offering two distinct packages where in one package the doctor only oversees the procedure and most of the work is done by technicians, and in the other package the doctor is more actively involved, is a clear red flag if you ask me.

Here’s how I see it.

These price differences are not minor.

If the standard package is, let’s say, $3,000, the doctor package is $4,500 or more.

That’s a big difference.

This practice raises ethical concerns and necessary questions like:

  • Is the package where the doctor is more actively involved better?
  • Why am I paying more when the doctor is more actively involved?
  • Shouldn’t the doctor be actively involved anyway?

These are not the types of questions any patient should be dealing with.

They shift the focus away from what matters, which is the patient and their needs.

But you might wonder why some clinics work this way.

Let me make a guess and see where it leads.

Heads up, I’m not going to be very diplomatic here.

Why Do These Clinics Offer Such Packages?

Most of the clinics that offer such packages are generally those that have grown very rapidly.

Some of these clinics do 30+ surgeries a day.

Yes, there really are clinics that hit such numbers.

Their doctor staff, however, can’t handle the high demand.

Offering two distinct packages, one in which technicians do most of the work, won’t halt the clinic’s growth.

Here’s the thing.

There are fewer hair transplant doctors compared to hair transplant technicians.

So, these clinics have a capacity/recruitment problem.

Another reason could be that the doctors are simply fed up with entering surgeries after doing them for many years and will only do so if they deem the compensation worth it.

Another reason could be a PR campaign surrounding the doctors in question, which aims to increase their “market value.”

I certainly favor a free market economy, but such practices do not serve our sector well.

Our sector has had to deal with negative PR in the past and still does occasionally.

Such actions don’t help the sector, and I don’t think they are ethical either.

Let me explain.

Imagine I am dealing with a medical consultant from such a clinic.

The doctor package will give the medical consultant higher compensation.

So, I ask the medical consultant.

“Will the doctor package get me a better outcome?”

Now imagine the medical consultant answers as follows (the answer is made up, by the way):

“Yes, our doctor packages provide better hairline design, better density, and a higher graft survival rate.

As you know, experience matters in hair restoration. Our doctors are more experienced than our technician staff.

Our technicians will get you an excellent result, but our doctor packages will get you the best result!”

So this means that if I have enough money, I am worth the best outcome; if I don’t, I should be pleased with an okay result.

First, this is unethical, but it also creates a situation where the focus is entirely wrong.

This is an unacceptable practice.

I am 100% okay with standard and VIP packages, but they should offer the same medical care.

Offering two packages, one where the doctor’s involvement is minimal and another where the doctor’s involvement is complete, makes a subtle claim that one package is medically superior.

This is unacceptable.

Let me explain how we run our clinic in this regard.

If one of our doctors is tired of their work, I advise them to go on holiday.

And if they are fed up with doing the job, I see if I can place them in a quality control position.

But if there is no more ground for a doctor to do the work, I would tell them to find another profession if I feel they are not committed to delivering the best outcome for all patients daily.

It’s that simple.

So, this was the final red flag I wanted to share.

I know this has been a long blog, but it’s critical, so I have really taken the time to inform you on all that matters.

My promise is to educate everyone considering a hair transplant.

Let’s conclude with my final note.

Final Note

If you are at this stage where you are looking at packages, you are probably about to make an important decision.

You will likely choose a hair transplant clinic in Turkey for your hair restoration.

If you’ve made it this far, I strongly advise you to read two blogs that everyone should read if considering a hair transplant in Turkey.

Please invest some additional time in your research before committing to any clinic.

Let me explain why this is important for you.

It took me nearly a decade before I felt comfortable enough to call myself an expert in hair restoration.

You obviously can’t expect to master all I know within a few hours of research, nor should this be your goal.

Here’s the point, though: a hair transplant is not a commodity.

If you view it as a commodity, you might get a commodity type of service and result.

Hair restoration is a very personal journey, and the clinic you’re dealing with should understand this and have translated it into its core vision and daily operations.

I must disappoint you if you think the previous picture is standard practice.

Unfortunately, it’s not.

There are too many clinics stuck in an old stigma of how they handle their hair transplant surgeries and too many clinics that offer their services as a commodity and also view it as such.

Here’s the good news.

If you dig deeper and do just a few hours of additional research, you will be able to spot the good clinics and identify the red flags.

Our website is probably one of the best resources currently available worldwide, not just in Turkey.

Sorry for not being modest here, but if I look at the content that’s out there, it’s mainly every clinic bragging to be the best or old-school SEO-optimized blogs that lack soul and profound explanations of topics that really matter.

I’ve always strived for transparency and patient education, and I will continue to do so for two main reasons:

First of all, because I think it’s the ethical thing to do.

Anyone considering a medical or esthetical procedure deserves to know what’s true and what’s not.

This is simply a basic human right if you ask me.

Secondly, I believe it will serve the overall sector and improve the overall quality of the industry.

This is actually a pure win-win situation.

From an outside perspective, the hair restoration sector in Turkey looks mature, but it’s still dealing with infancy issues.

That’s quite understandable since it hasn’t been 15 years yet that Turkey has become so well known in hair restoration.

You get my point by now, I’m sure.

Read the following two blogs if you are about to decide for a hair restoration clinic in Turkey:

I am sure they will serve you well and shift your perspective.

Get Your Hair Transplant Quotation

Contact us if you are considering a hair transplant in Turkey and want a quotation.

One of our seasoned medical consultants will guide you and make sure you get your personalized quotation.

We offer clear and easy-to-understand quotations.

All of our quotations include a complimentary hair transplant consultation.

This means that you will get an expert analysis of your hair situation and your options for hair restoration.

You will also have access to one of our medical consultants for more questions about your quotation and hair transplant options.

We understand that you are about to make an important decision in your life and are here to help you on your hair transplant journey.


What are the costs for a hair transplant in Turkey for 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 5000, and 6000 grafts?

In Turkey, the cost for a hair transplant generally does not change based on the number of grafts because most clinics offer package deals.

These packages typically include up to 6,000 grafts, meaning the price will be the same whether you need 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000, 3,500, 4,000, 5,000, or 6,000 grafts.

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James Wilson

James co-founded Tecnifue International and has guided thousands of patients personally since 2012 in their hair transplant journey. He is a trusted voice in Turkey's hair restoration scene and your go-to source for the best insights.

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Written By

James Wilson

August 1, 2024 at 03:37 pm

Edited By

James Wilson

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