DHI Hair TransplantNo Comments
Last Updated:
July 25, 2024
Written By:
James Wilson

If you’re thinking about a DHI Hair Transplant, you’re probably curious about the DHI Hair Transplant results month by month growth.

That’s totally understandable—you want to know when you’ll see your full hair growth again.

In this blog, I’ll break down the growth stages and other developments you might experience.

By the end, you’ll have a clear idea of what to expect each month after your DHI Hair Transplant.

But before we dive in, let me introduce myself.

I’m James, co-founder of Tecnifue International Hair Clinic in Istanbul.

We’ve been helping individuals with hair restoration since 2012, so we’ve got plenty of experience.

My mission is to share our knowledge so you can make informed decisions about hair transplants.

Now that you know a bit about me and my mission, let’s get started.

Month 1  of DHI Hair Transplant Results month by month

We’ve already discussed the initial recovery period in our DHI Hair Transplant Recovery Time (10 Day Guide).

If you’re curious about the recovery process, check that blog first.

So, what happens after those first ten days in the remaining three weeks of the first month?

Honestly, not much.

Here’s what to expect:

The transplanted hair will likely fall out, a process called “shock loss.”

This is entirely temporary, so don’t worry.

For more details on shock loss, check our FUE Hair Transplant page.

In the first month, don’t expect any growth.

Instead, expect the transplanted hair to fall out. Remember, this is temporary.

The hair follicles are still in place; it’s just the hair that falls out.

What happens in the second month after a DHI Hair Transplant?

Let’s dive into that next.

James Sharing his 5th Week DHI Hair Transplant progress @ Tecnifue International.

Month 2 of Hair Growth After DHI

You might still experience shock loss in the second month.

It’s normal for shock loss to be a bit delayed, so don’t worry if this happens to you.

What about hair growth?

Unfortunately, not yet. You won’t see any new growth in the second month either.

However, your existing hair at the recipient and donor sites will grow longer.

If you shaved your head entirely, you won’t see any signs of a hair transplant by now.

Many patients find that even 15 to 20 days after the DHI Hair Transplant, no traces are visible.

This process is even quicker for those who chose a Non-Shave DHI Hair Transplant.

You’ll have your old look back in about 10 days, although your donor area will be somewhat shorter.

How noticeable this is depends on how many grafts were extracted and the density of your donor area.

Sometimes, you can’t see any traces of extraction after just 10 days.

So, to wrap up month two: Don’t expect new hair growth yet.

You’ll see further healing of your scalp and donor area and a return to your pre-transplant look.

Now, let’s move on to the third month and see what you can expect.

Month 3 of Hair Growth After a DHI Hair Transplant

The third month is often a mix of fear and hope.

The fear comes from the uncertainty and stress of waiting for hair growth.

The shock loss leaves you looking like you did before the transplant, which can be worrying.

Many patients start to question the quality and success of their transplant during this time despite being informed about the process.

I always reassure them:

“Don’t worry, it’s all part of the process. It just needs time. Everything will be fine; just be patient.”

I’ve learned to manage both my patients’ stress and my own during this brief period.

Thankfully, this stress only lasts for the first ten days or so of the third month.

After that, new hairs start to appear, and patients begin to feel reassured.

This month focuses on new hairs emerging.

If a new hairline is designed, it will start to take shape again.

By the end of the third month, you can expect to see your hairline clearly, but the new hairs will still be short, and not all will have emerged yet.

Now, let’s move on to Month 4 and see how much growth you can expect.

James Sharing his 3rd Month DHI Hair Transplant progress @ Tecnifue International.

Month 4 of Hair Growth After DHI

Month 4 is a tipping point after a DHI Hair Transplant.

Here’s why:

This is when most patients start to see noticeable hair growth.

More hairs begin to emerge, making the hairline much more visible.

You’ll see how the new hairline fits your facial structure.

Your transplanted hair will still be thin and won’t have the density it will achieve in a few months.

However, many patients find this month encouraging as they see the first signs of their hair transplant.

During this month, you’ll notice improvements every 4 to 5 days.

By the end, people around you might start commenting on how you look different, especially if they haven’t seen you in a while.

What’s in store for Month 5?

Let’s find out together.

James Sharing his 4th Month DHI Hair Transplant progress @ Tecnifue International.

Month 5 of DHI hair Transplant Hair Growth

Month 5 after a DHI Hair Transplant continues the progress from the last week of the previous month.

Your hair will get thicker and fuller every few days.

Not all hairs grow at the same rate.

Hairs at the front might grow faster than those on the mid-scalp and crown areas.

This is normal due to varying blood flow, with the crown area having the least.

If grafts were placed in the crown area, with its lower blood flow, it might show minimal growth this month.

Any growth here will likely be just the initial grafts.

However, the front and mid-sections will significantly progress, with the front leading the way.

Now, let’s move on to Month 6 and see how much better it gets.

Month 6 of DHI hair Transplant Hair Growth Timeline

James Sharing his 6th Month DHI Hair Transplant progress @ Tecnifue International.

To answer the question from the previous section, yes, it gets better.

Your hair will become even fuller and thicker.

By the end of this month, many patients will see results comparable to what you’d expect from a FUE Hair Transplant at months 10 or 12.

That might sound surprising, but it’s based on both patient experiences and my own.

I’ve had two hair transplant procedures—one in 2017 and another in 2023.

My first was a 3,000-graft FUE Sapphire Hair Transplant, focusing on the front and crown.

I was pleased with the results, but my hair continued to thin.

That’s why I decided to update my hairline with a DHI procedure.

For my first hair transplant, I was cautious about lowering my hairline too much, fearing it might look unnatural.

In hindsight, I could have lowered it more.

By early 2019, we began offering DHI after thorough research and hiring skilled medical specialists.

Currently, 50-60% of our procedures are DHI, and the remaining 40-50% are FUE Sapphire.

For my second treatment, I opted for the DHI method.

I was particularly concerned about the non-shaving aspect.

I didn’t want to shave my head again.

This experience allowed me to compare both methods, including their results, recovery times, dynamics, and growth speeds.

Here’s a funny detail about my hair transplant.

During my DHI transplant, I even directed the medical team on my graft allocation plan while lying there!

This hands-on experience and my observations of our patients reinforce my strong claim.

At six months, DHI results often match those seen at 10-12 months with FUE.

I apologize for the detour, but I believe in transparency.

My goal is to empower you with knowledge to make informed decisions.

Question my credibility and anyone else making claims—it’s your right.

I’m passionate about educating people on hair restoration, which is the core of this website and my mission.

Yes, we aim to attract new patients, but my mission goes beyond financial gain.

I want everyone to have the correct information for their hair restoration journey.

Please share this with anyone considering a hair transplant—they’ll appreciate it!

Now, let’s get back on track with our DHI Hair Transplant Results Month by Month timeline.

What awaits us after month 6?

Let me explain.

Months 6 to 9 of DHI hair Transplant Hair Growth

At six months, you’ll see results from your DHI Hair Transplant that typically take up to 12 months with the FUE method.

But what can you expect after the sixth month?

Here’s what you can expect.

From month 6 to month 9, your hair will continue to get fuller and thicker, but this will be a gradual process.

Don’t expect dramatic changes like those in months 4, 5, and 6.

The progress will be so gradual that you might not notice any apparent changes week to week because you see your hair every day.

However, if you compare monthly photos, you’ll see the difference.

By the end of the ninth month, you’ll notice a significant improvement in hair density.

It’s not just about density.

Your transplanted hair will blend seamlessly with your existing hair, both in appearance and texture.

This is crucial for achieving a natural look.

What about the crown area hair growth?

If you had hair transplanted to your crown, you’d also see improvements here, although slower.

The hairs will have grown slightly, but don’t expect dramatic changes yet.

For the front and mid-sections, you can assume they’ve reached about 95% of their hair growth maturity.

It won’t get much better than this.

However, the crown area is different.

Reaching full hair growth may take up to 15 months or longer.

While this seems like a long time, the crown will progressively darken each month starting from the eighth month.

Final Word

As I mentioned earlier, seeing the full results of a DHI Hair Transplant takes time.

There will always be individual differences.

If your hair grows faster, great!

If not, don’t panic.

Your growth process might be slower than average for various reasons.

Generally, I’ve noticed that healthier individuals tend to see faster results.

By healthier living, I mean eating well, exercising regularly, and not smoking.

This isn’t a lecture on diets and lifestyle, just an observation.

This makes sense when you consider human anatomy.

Eating healthy ensures you get a variety of vitamins that support hair growth.

Smoking negatively affects blood circulation, causing blood to thicken.

Good blood flow in the scalp is crucial for graft survival and development.

You get the point.

Quick Summary

Month 1: Initial Stages

In the first month, you won’t see any hair growth.

Instead, expect the transplanted hair to fall out due to “shock loss.”

This is temporary, so don’t worry.

The hair follicles are still in place; it’s just the hair that falls out.

Month 2: Continued Recovery

Shock loss might continue into the second month.

No new growth yet, but your existing hair will grow longer.

By now, you won’t see any signs of a hair transplant if you shaved your head.

Healing continues, and your donor area may still be shorter but should show no visible traces of extraction.

Month 3: Emerging Growth

Month 3 is a mix of fear and hope.

New hairs start to appear, and your new hairline begins to take shape.

The stress from waiting eases as you see initial growth.

The new hairs will be short by the end of this month, but your hairline will be visible.

Month 4: Significant Progress

Month 4 is a tipping point.

You’ll notice more hair growth, and your hairline will become more visible.

Your transplanted hair will still be thin, but you’ll start seeing encouraging signs of progress.

Month 5: Steady Improvement

Your hair continues to get thicker and fuller.

Due to varying blood flow, hairs at the front might grow faster than those on the mid-scalp and crown.

Growth in the crown area might be minimal this month.

Month 6: Fuller Results

By six months, your hair will be even fuller and thicker, with results comparable to what you’d expect from FUE at 10-12 months.

The front and mid-sections will show significant progress, though the crown may take longer.

Months 6 to 9: Gradual Growth

From month 6 to month 9, hair growth continues gradually.

You might not notice changes week to week, but monthly photos will reveal significant improvement.

Your transplanted hair will blend seamlessly with your existing hair, achieving a natural look.

The crown area will also show gradual progress, taking up to 15 months for total growth.

Need Help with Your Hair Transplant Journey?

Are you considering a hair transplant?

Contact us for support from one of our medical consultants.

We understand how difficult choosing the right clinic can be.

Since 2012, we’ve helped thousands of individuals like you find the guidance they need.

Reach out to us for clear answers and expert advice.

Let us help you make the best decision for your hair restoration journey


How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow After DHI?

Hair will start to grow 2 to 3 months after the DHI procedure.

It’s normal for growth to vary between individuals.

What Are the Results of a DHI Hair Transplant?

The final results of a DHI hair transplant can be seen after 6 to 9 months.

The crown area may take up to 15 months or more to fully develop.

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James Wilson

James co-founded Tecnifue International and has guided thousands of patients personally since 2012 in their hair transplant journey. He is a trusted voice in Turkey's hair restoration scene and your go-to source for the best insights.

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Written By

James Wilson

July 24, 2024 at 12:33 pm

Edited By

James Wilson

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