Hair Transplant Thought LeadershipNo Comments
Last Updated:
October 5, 2024
Written By:
James Wilson

If you are considering a hair transplant then just as everyone else you want the best for yourself. The best clinic, the best doctor, the best doctor…

You get it.

But what does the best hair transplant mean, and how do I know what the best is anyway?

Good question.

And there is no easy answer, but there certainly are correct ways of looking at it and increasing your chances of finding the best hair transplant doctor and clinic.

That’s exactly what I’ll cover in this article.

I cover discus what the best countries are for a hair transplant, what you should know about most of the best hair transplant doctors and you’ll also get some great tips on how to pick the best clinic or doctor.

Sounds good?

Before we get started, let me quickly introduce myself.

I am James, and I Co-Founded Tecnifue International Hair Clinic in 2012.

Today, we are considered one of the world’s Elite Hair Transplant Clinics.

I’ve always been a forefront fighter for patient education.

In simple term, I think that lots of people considering a hair transplant have very few idea how to do their research.

I can’t blame them; much of the content online is PR or unbiased.

My goal is to tackle that and offer my insights as an expert.

I admit that I will probably share some of my biases here, but I guess that I have some credit for my name, having helped thousands of patients personally.

But I’ll let you decide that.

Now that you know me and my intentions, let’s dive in!

What is the best place or best country for a hair transplant?

For some people, flying to another country for a hair transplant is a very strange idea and, for some, quite scary idea.

Yet ten thousand people fly each year to countries such as Turkey for a hair restoration.

Mexico has been gaining popularity in recent years as well.

Does this mean that all clinics in Turkey and Mexico are great?

Of course not!

That would be something similar to saying that all men from Dagestan, Russia are great at MMA because Khabib Nurmagomedov is from there.

What’s true is that the infrastructure for hair restoration is very advanced, especially in places like Istanbul.

This makes them currently one of the most innovative cities when it comes to hair restoration.

And you’ll find that some of the best clinics in the world are located in Istanbul, Turkey.

Some would say, therefore, that the best place for a hair transplant is Turkey.

I would say it depends on many more factors than just the location.

The location is just the starting point of research, so keep that in mind.

You shouldn’t think that because a clinic is based in Istanbul, they must be good.

It simply doesn’t work like that.

Don’t worry I’ll give you actionable tips on what to do, but I do want to lay the groundwork so you understand my reasoning.

Let’s leave this topic for now.

What’s next?

Next, we’ll cover something you should know about the best hair transplant doctors.

Something You should know about the best hair transplant doctors?

Best Hair Transplant in Istanbul

If you do a quick interne search on the best hair transplant doctors you’ ’ll get an instant overview of the best doctors with a pictures of the doctors.

You’ll also find that they pretty much all have the same armed cross position.

I’ve always wondered why, I once asked our Medical Director and laughed but had no answer to it.

Before we drift off.

So what it is that you should know about these doctors?

Well, you’ll be surprised to find out that most of them don’t perform actual surgeries any longer once they get the title the ‘Best’ Doctor.

Here’s why.

It’s a matter of supply and demand.

A hair transplant doctor can only perform one hair transplant a day if fully involved in all stages.

Demand for the best doctors is much higher than this.

Some doctors/clinics in Istanbul, for instance, accept more than ten patients a day.

You do the math.

So what you see end up happening is that they will generally only be involved during consultation.

This might shock you, but it’s the truth!

The actual work is done by supporting doctors and medical staff.

Just keep this in mind when looking for the ‘best hair transplant doctor.’

How do you pick a good hair transplant clinic or doctor?

Well, it starts with understanding that there is a lot of PR on the net.

You can literally pay for an article on… I wont mention any news outlet names here.

This means that you can create an image of the best without factual proof or unbiased research supporting the claim the best.

This probably applies to many industries and is not unique to the field of hair restoration.

Once you get this basic principle, you need to do some deep digging.

Yes, I know that this is not the fun part, and you just want your hair back.

Sorry, we don’t live in a utopian world where everybody has good intentions by default.

In some cases, the intentions are actually good, but the skillset needs much improvement.

Those can be spotted easier, their hair transplant before and after results they share with great pride hurt my eyes.

So, yes, you need to invest time in research.

This can mean that you may possibly be wrong about a clinic that had such a good presence.

Now, you might wonder where to start.

I’ve got good news for you.

I’ve actually created a guide for individuals considering a hair transplant in Turkey.

I would say that 90% of the Guide contains tips that are applicable to evaluate a doctor or hair transplant clinic anywhere in the world.  

Here is a link to the Guide if you’re interested:

Hair Transplant in Turkey: Complete Expert Guide(15 Tips)

Final Thoughts

Maybe the starting point of looking for the best hair transplant clinic or doctor is wrong.

It’s like looking for something that doesn’t exist, and you end up confused and disappointed.

You might have to change your frame of thinking. Instead o looking for the best, you might want to consider looking for reputable clinics.

Stay critical in your research; don’t fall into the PR trap.

There are plenty of good clinics that are great at hair restoration and not so good at PR.

Good luck in your hair transplant Journey!

Considering a Hair Transplant?

Reach out to us if you are considering a hair transplant.

We’ll offer you genuine advice on your situation and hair transplant options.

No fancy talk, clear and concise feedback backed up with 12+ years of know how, that is what we offer.  

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James Wilson

James co-founded Tecnifue International and has guided thousands of patients personally since 2012 in their hair transplant journey. He is a trusted voice in Turkey's hair restoration scene and your go-to source for the best insights.

How we reviewed this article:

A hair transplant can give you permanent, natural-looking results
American Academy of Dermotology

Current Version

Written By

James Wilson

October 5, 2024 at 11:40 am

Edited By

James Wilson

October 4, 2024 at 01:27 pm

Edited By

James Wilson

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